Recruiting Team
Janelle Schwieterman

Janelle Schwieterman

Allied Recruiter

What do you enjoy most about your work?

I enjoy helping my healthcare providers with getting exciting contracts that they will love!

What do you do for travelers that you feel is completely unique to you?

I am a previous healthcare professional, as well, and can relate and connect to each and every person that I get in contact with!

What is your favorite thing about working with travelers?

My favorite thing about working with travelers is hearing all of the successful stories that they are a part of.

What is your most valuable advice for the travelers you work with?

My most valuable advice for travelers are find the people/contracts/locations/companies who are passionate about bettering you as a person.

Why are you passionate about this industry?

I am passionate about this industry because I have friends and family members who are in the travel industry. I also almost considered traveling in physical therapy as well, but decided to help the travelers rather than be the traveler :)

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in a very rural, small town in Ohio!

What are your favorite places to travel?

My favorite places to travel are anywhere that is warm and has a beach!

What's on your travel wishlist

My travel wish list is a foreign country that has an incredible beach!

Tell us about your family or pets

I am currently engaged to my partner and getting married in 2024!! We have two rescue dogs that we absolutely love and adore.

What's your favorite food?

My favorite food is anything chocolate!

What is your favorite pump-up song?

My favorite pump-up song is anything by Lady Gaga or Kelly Clarkson!

What's your all-time favorite hobby?

My all-time favorite hobby is traveling to new places!